Download “SEEING THE INVISIBLE.” Pastor E.A. Adeboye.

The physical world, which is the natural habitat of humans, and a spiritual world, which is governed and controlled by the Almighty God, are both real, according to the Bible. God created mankind and gave us access to the spiritual world so that we could have fellowship with Him, but after Adam and Eve sinned, we no longer have that access (John 4:24; Genesis 3:19). However, that access to the spiritual world is right away reestablished when a person is born again. Unconverted souls are always cut off from the heavenly realm. Because of this, 1st Corinthians 2:14 states that “But the natural man receiveth, not the things of the Spirit of God: for to him they are foolishness: and he cannot know them because they are spiritually discerned.”
Even though the spiritual world is just as real as the physical one, only those who have access to it can experience its sights, sounds, and even take part in its activities. In the name of Jesus, I pray that God will sanctify you and give you direct access to the spiritual realm.
Faith is necessary to live in the Spirit. Faith produces the same conviction about things in the realm of the spirit that are invisible to the natural eye, just as the eye produces the same conviction about the reality of objects in the physical world. Faith comes into being by giving us the confidence that our hopes will come true. Additionally, it offers a perception of the truth of unseen things.
Through the eyes of faith, my father in the Lord saw some things that were virtually impossible to believe at the time but have since become history. I began praying to God for a suitable home to house my family because we could only afford a one-bedroom apartment when I was elected general overseer of the church. Then, one day, God revealed to me that He had chosen to build me a city and that I should stop asking for a home. I accepted it by faith, and as a result, this city exists today. God is still working with us, though. In the name of Jesus, I pray that you will start to see things that are currently hidden.

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